进口双壳体多级泵双层壳体结构,中心线支撑,不必拆卸进出口管路,可通过专用工具完成转子部件的快速拆装,而且联轴器端为锥轴设计,方便设备检修维护 With double-casing structure and center line support, it is not necessary to dismantle outlet pipeline to fast dismantle and install components of rotor with special tools. Besides, with cone axial design of coupler end, it is convenient in equipment overhaul and maintenance. 2、按API682标准密封腔设计,进口双壳体多级泵采用集装式机械密封,便于安装和维修,轴向压缩量不受任何连接件轴向尺寸影响,无需调整。 Packaging-type mechanical seal is adopted according to seal design of API682 standard. It is convenient in installation and maintenance. The axial compression is free of influences of axial dimensions of any connecting pieces. It is not necessary to make adjustment. 3、碳钢轴承箱体,带风扇冷却,进口双壳体多级泵采用新型非金属同步甩油环,润滑更加充分,并减少润滑油污染;配套专用轴承压盖,可满足油雾和油浴润滑的双重需要。 With carbon steel bearing casing, fan cooling, and with new-type non-metal synchronic oil slinger, it is further sufficiently lubricated and pollution of lubricating oil is reduced. With special bearing gland cover, dual requirements of oil mist and bath lubrication can be satisfied. 4、优化轴承结构,选用球/球、滑动/球及滑动/止推轴承等形式,给转子部件提供最佳支持,并最大程度降低轴承和支撑系统的成本。 By optimizing axial structure and selecting ball-ball and sliding-ball and sliding-thrust bearing forms, the optimal support can be provided for parts of rotor and the cost for bearing and support system can be maximally reduced. 5、外筒体为锻造加工,管口按API标准三倍载荷设计,采用API标准底座,确保运转安全、稳定、可靠。 Outer barrel is forged and processed. Pipe orifice is designed according to API standard twofold load. API standard chassis is adopted to ensure safe, stable and reliable operation. 6、叶轮为过盈配合,轴向固定,消除高速旋转时因装配间隙引起的挠动; Impeller is excessive interference fi and axial restraint, perturbation caused by assembling clearance when high-speed revolution can be eliminated. 7、依照水力性能优化设计的锻造增强型刚性阶梯轴(将来根据需要可使用空段),满足功率传递要求,提高转子可靠性,符合API610的典型设计方案。 With enhancement rigid stepped shaft (dead band can be used according to the requirement) optimized and designed according to hydraulic performance, power transmission requirement can be satisfied and rotor’s reliability can be enhanced and typical design scheme of API610 can be satisfied. 8、叶轮背对背布置,设有中间衬套和喉部衬套,最优结构平衡轴向力,降低轴承部件成本。 Impellers are back-to-back arranged with middle and throat bushing, optimal structural balancing axial force can be realized and cost for bearing parts can be reduced. 9、XBB5 - 标准型,为单吸叶轮,背靠背布置。 XXB5-standard, single-suction impeller, back-to-back arranged. XBB5D -首级叶轮双吸结构,提高抗汽蚀能力,降低吸入比转速。 XBB5D-first-stage impeller double-suction structure enhances anti-cavitation capacity and reduces suction specific speed. 性能参数Performance parameters: 流量Flow quantity:~850m3/h 扬程Lift :~3500m 工作压力Working pressure:28MPa 工作温度Working temperature:-30℃~+425℃
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